Featuring Art of my Pikmin from various Pikmin artists! All art displayed here has been uploaded with the explicit consent of the artists. Please check out their pages and show them support! After all, there is nothing healthier for a community than to appreciate those who keep it alive!
Exploration of the Alien Forest

Art Source ||
abysswarlock's Tumblr
My Thoughts
I love the sense of exploration in this piece, the single Brown Pikmin curiously investigating the forest it is in, catching the eyes of a potentially dangerous beast, in the quiet moments before any potential commotion breaks out. The rest of the Brown Pikmin rest peacefully in the distance. The night has always been a symbol for danger for Pikmin, so the nighttime setting adds a sense of tension to the piece. The dangerous but curious atmosphere of this is one that I appreciate very much.
King of the Sun

Art Source ||
horrorboros' Twitter ||
horrorboros' Toyhouse
Artist's Caption
"Staring up at the tangle of plants above me, I can't really tell if I'm truly alone anymore.
All these weird twigs in the ground seem to sway and fidget, just like those li'l red guys that follow me around.
Could these be the same... Thing? Yeesh, now I'm a little creeped out. But maybe just a liiittle curious...?"
- Ruta
My Thoughts
A piece that truly captures the absurd length of the Brown Pikmin's lengthy stem. I love the mysticism that is added to it with the sun glyph present in the background, as well as the piece's title. I think it evokes the image of the way these stems would soar high up into the sky, up towards the sun, and the way that Brown Pikmin can blot out the sun with their huge leaves, especially when gathered in large groups. It captures the image of the Pikmin far better than I had ever dreamed of, and the log entry featured alongside the piece is just so fantastical to me I find it hard to put into words!
Rainy Day Festivities

Art Source ||
horrorboros' Twitter ||
horrorboros' Toyhouse
Artist's Caption
Amidst a hollow secluded from most of the forest, a rain shower has begun! Some Pikmin take the initiative to have some fun, whilst others would rather stay dry.
My Thoughts
All of the Pikmin in this piece are so cute, and I love the personality that has been breathed into it! You can really get a sense of the personalities of each of the Pikmin, with some of the Pikmin choosing to stay under shelter where it is safe while others throw caution to the winds for the sake of some ever-important fun! And over there in the "fun-loving" corner... my little Quadrapedal Pikmin having the time of its life, as it absolutely would! They are such carefree and playful little critters, so it is a great reflection of their temperament. I am made very happy to see it playing with some friends!
Pikmin weee!

Art Source ||
Domysweets' DeviantArt ||
Domysweets' Instagram ||
Domysweets' Toyhouse ||
Domysweets' Youtube
My Thoughts
Check out the way this little guy moves!! Animated art is always very amazing, and this is absolutely no exception! When I look at this, I feel like the Pikmin is a real little thing that I could hold, and is alive. Not to mention just how cute it is! And the little "stage" of grass and pretty plants really serves to make the whole piece even cuter and more serene!
Pikmin parade!

Art Source ||
jestersunite's Twitter ||
jestersunite's Tumblr ||
jestersunite's Toyhouse
My Thoughts
I notice two things about this piece from the first glance, and both, in different senses, are the sense of scale. The incredibly tall grass reaching far far above Olimar and the Pikmin is one of them, and how it instantly makes the viewer recognise just how miniscule the characters here are. The second is the mass of Pikmin following behind Olimar; in this case all the colours, details, and even just the number of Pikmin there makes you appreciate immediately just how many little guys there are! And of course, as any Pikmin fan would recognise, these are some very prominent senses you get while playing the games themselves and exploring the Pikmin world. All of that is perfectly captured here. Various Pikmin carrying a variety of little treasures also makes this picture feel all the more alive!
If you look closely, you can spot my little Quadrapedal Pikmin charging ahead alongside the gang there in the middle of the top row!