White text reading 'Candypop Garden' on top of a background of leaves



These here are all of the Pikmin games that we own physically! As a child, my older brother was an avid gamer, and even my parents indulged in games from time to time. My love for video games was born the same moment I was old enough to comprehend them. Born right between the release of the first two games, and consequently in the golden zone to be imprint on them, my passion for the series was almost inevitable. Pikmin 2 was one of my first introductions to the fantastical, interactive world of gaming, and would cement itself as one of my favourite games, or piece of media fullstop, of all time.

We may have lost the case for the Gamecube edition of Pikmin 2 over the years, but its impact on me will be forever.

Below, I have a few select photos of the physical contents of these games.

(Fun Fact; This copy was hired from a Video Game Rental service, as evident by the stickers on the packaging. Unfortunately, the business went down shortly after the hire, and we were allowed to keep the game.)




I will have to find and add the Hey! Pikmin Amiibo to my collection soon!


These pots (or Takara Tomy Swing (Furufuru?) Figures) I got from a Japanese Import store nearby. I remember being young and being so excited to visit and see all the Nintendo merchandise that I had never seen anywhere else. If only I had completed the whole set! Oh well, one of each is okay :-]


Exactly as it says on the tin; Pikmin themed shirts. I am not a massive fan of the designs personally, so do not wear these that often, but they're still cool to own. The white one with the green pocket is my favourite.

This cup has been my favourite since the moment I've owned it. All my beverages go in here! I really like how the soft green used for the interior looks.

Likewise, this here is my favourite bag! I don't use it terribly often, since it's not the sort of bag I'd use for groceries and I don't use bags of these type much elsewhere. However, any time I choose to transport things with this, it brings a little more joy to my day. Pretty sure this one was bought off of the official Nintendo store a long time ago, supposedly alongside the release of Pikmin 3.

I got this bag very recently, released from the Nintendo Store around the same time as Pikmin 4, only for my platinum points. I am very happy with it, the design is very clean and pleasing to look at.

I got these two at the same time as the previous bag, also for platinum points. I don't like the feel of the material they are made of, as they feel very rough. However, merch is merch, and they didn't cost me a dollar, so...

This is the Preorder bonus I recieved for ordering my copy from EB Games! At first, I thought it would just be a cheap notebook, so was very pleasantly surprised to find the high-quality pages inside were decorated with little Pikmin pictures! Not sure I'm ever going to use this, lol. But, the future is unpredictable! Maybe I'll use it to display Pikmin Stickers if I ever start to build a collection of those too.